When you shop around for auto insurance you want to have all the information you need. That’s why it makes sense to ask yourself what type of auto insurance covers theft. The good news is that you just have to keep reading to find out!
What Auto Insurance Covers Theft?
The type of auto insurance you need if you want protection against theft is comprehensive coverage.
Some people assume that all auto insurance policies cover theft. But the truth is that there are different types of protection, so having insurance doesn’t guarantee that your vehicle is protected against theft.
The basic types of car insurance fall into the following categories:
- Liability coverage
- Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
- Comprehensive coverage
- Collision coverage
- Personal injury protection
Comprehensive coverage offers protection against non-collision accidents such as theft, vandalism, falling trees, and storms.
It is extremely important that you take the time to review your policy and ensure that you understand what coverages you are getting and up to what limits.
What You Need To Keep in Mind About Auto Insurance In California
If you live in California and are interested in getting protection against vehicle theft, then you have to remember that the minimum insurance required by California law is liability only (you can check the details here).
In other words, if you choose to purchase only the insurance mandated by law, you’d be on your own if your vehicle is stolen.
To learn more about auto insurance, be sure to check out our previous blogs, “Collision vs Comprehensive Insurance Coverage: What Is the Difference?” and “What Is Actual Cash Value in Auto Insurance?”
And if you have specific questions, feel free to contact our experts at RF1 Insurance. We’ll be happy to offer guidance so you can build an insurance policy that meets your needs.
RF1 Insurance Services: Auto Insurance in Southern California
Looking for auto insurance you can rely on? At RF1 Insurance, we work with some of the world’s most trusted insurance companies, including Safeco, Guard, Stillwater, National General Premier, Aegis, and the California FAIR Plan.
Contact us today by email (info@RF1ins.com), telephone (909-359-2067), or social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) for a free quote or to learn more about a full range of insurance solutions.